Follow the steps to enroll in the Live Well DBT Program

Step 1: Email us at and we will get back to you to set up an initial consultation

The initial consultation is free. We’ll spend about 15 -30 minutes with you on the phone, answering any questions you have about the program and helping you to determine whether it is a good fit for you.

Step 2: Schedule an Intake Session

The intake session is a chance for all of us (you, Andrea and Gill) to meet on Zoom. You’ll be able to tell us what is motivating you to want to participate in this DBT program and the goals you have for yourself. We’ll be able to tell you more about the group, the expectations we have of students, and the expectations you can have of us and the group experience.

Step 3: Attend Group Therapy

In this Zoom group, you will take part in three 8-week modules: emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. You will also learn and practice mindfulness throughout, which is foundational for all of the aforementioned skills. Each group is 2 hours and 15 minutes long. We take a 15-minute break half way through.

Group sessions take place on Tuesdays from 6:15-8:30pm on Zoom (the 7th session of each 8 week module is in person at the Center for Peace, 1825 West 16th Ave, Vancouver, where we have a lovely meeting room and there is ample free parking).

Schedule an intake session with us!

***We are currently keeping a waitlist and accepting folks for our module starting September 10th , 2024

Step 4: Schedule Individual Therapy

This will be a one-to-one Zoom session with Andrea. This is an important component that will help you integrate the skills learned in group into your own life circumstances. Some of you may already have an individual (DBT-trained) therapist you are working with and if so, you may wish to continue with this therapist to do the 1:1 work. We can discuss this during the intake session.

**For people interested in individual therapy ONLY, this is an option as well.


We prefer that payment for the group be made in full prior to the start of the group, in order to secure your spot. We can be flexible, however, and will develop a payment plan that is manageable.

Payment for individual sessions can be made after each session.

We accept payment by e-transfer. Thank you!